
The Satoshi.Museum is a foundation dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the history and legacy of Bitcoin and its creator, Dr. Craig Wright (also known as Satoshi Nakamoto). We collect, preserve, and present artifacts related to Bitcoin, and we host events and educational programs to encourage the appreciation and understanding of this revolutionary technology.

We believe that Bitcoin is a significant cultural and technological achievement, and we are committed to ensuring that its history is preserved for future generations. We also believe that Bitcoin has the potential to transform the way we live and work, and we are committed to promoting its understanding and adoption

INFINITUM by Stavinsky; 2023:
LCD screen with visualized and sonified Bitcoin blockchain.
WHITEPAPER by Stavinsky; 2023:
Floating gramophone and vinyl record with voice from Satoshi Nakamoto.
PROTOCOL by Stavinsky; 2023: Black marble rock with golden script.
TWENTYONE by Stavinsky; 2023:
Inkjet print and black book No.21 signed by Satoshi Nakamoto.
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